Technology break #techdetox - outcomes
Lasted for six days - no emails! No Facebook, no twitter, no LinkedIn, no Blipfoto, no games, no online news, no music, no TV eg iplayer, no audio books or ebooks, no blogging.
It took about 2-3 days to get used to it. On the first day, I kept checking my phone and then realising there was nothing to check so it is definitely a good idea to delete all the apps and quick ways of accessing programmes or sites. I deleted most of the above and with others just moved them off my home screen and hid them. I disabled alerts and I think this is important as it removes that 'always on' situation.
I kept text on for family / friends and had to keep whats app also as some family work in places with no signal but wifi but that worked ok and I used both text and whats app infrequently and just for arrangements.
The frustrating / inconvenient aspects were not being able to quickly search for information eg finding a restaurant or details such as opening hours about a place we were visiting. The twice that I 'cheated' were when I was parking at the park and ride and I wanted to pay for parking. It is easy to use the app on my phone and I couldn't be bothered to go and find change and then the payment machine when it is all set up with a couple of clicks on my phone. The other time was using the sat nav on my phone to get into a city centre and out again. Certain tasks would have been easier if I'd planned in advance such as the parking or navigating and looked at the map in advance. The searching was a real frustration as I'm so used to quickly looking information up and getting on with things so I can't see the advantage of not doing that.
The planning in advance applied to always having a book with me too. The first day when we were out and about when ever we stopped, I just automatically looked at my phone or when I was in Oxford waiting for the others I was bored with nothing to look at. On day 2 at a National Trust garden while waiting around or having a cup of tea or just generally being, I felt I was wasting time without something to read so from then on had a book with me at all times. This improved as the week went on and I started to chill out and relax. I managed to read four books in six days which is quite good and also as the week went on I read faster and for longer periods without getting distracted. I definitely think my attention span or focus improved which is a bit worrying that it is usually poor but probably right as I do tend to multitask or rapid change task neither of which is good.
I didn't particularly miss Facebook apart from somewhere to upload photos of places to and to keep in touch with what other people are doing. I did miss twitter but it was good to switch off and not be constantly trying to keep up with online stuff - it's mostly inconsequential anyhow and it's good not to be totally immersed in a none physical world. I would have liked to tweet about some the places we had been to especially some restaurants which were good.
The no emails has been the weirdest thing - only time will tell whether it is a good thing i.e. This morning when I get into work and see what's waiting in my inbox.
I would definitely recommend a technology break or at least a online communication break as I think that's the important thing - to be able to call your time your own and decide when to reply and engage. To manage your online presence and interactions. But I would so miss technology if it wasn't there, easily accessible and providing information and generally making life better and more interesting.
eLearning, technologies and events
Managing Customer Services
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Technology break #techdetox
I'm on holiday from work tomorrow until next Tuesday - so almost a week.
For the last couple of years, I have had a technology break #techdetox for a week.
This was last years
So this year it will start at 12 midnight tonight until 9.00am Tuesday 11th August.
I delete apps from my phone so no emails, Facebook or Twitter - no games, no news - no skype, no facetime - no ebooks nor audio books - no blipfoto, no whats app. Music if already downloaded maybe? No iplayer or radio. A separate camera for photos. No google, no searching.
Just incoming texts in case of emergencies from family.
I've got at least 5 books that i want to read so aiming to read one a day.
Looking forward to it...sort of ...maybe
For the last couple of years, I have had a technology break #techdetox for a week.
This was last years
So this year it will start at 12 midnight tonight until 9.00am Tuesday 11th August.
I delete apps from my phone so no emails, Facebook or Twitter - no games, no news - no skype, no facetime - no ebooks nor audio books - no blipfoto, no whats app. Music if already downloaded maybe? No iplayer or radio. A separate camera for photos. No google, no searching.
Just incoming texts in case of emergencies from family.
I've got at least 5 books that i want to read so aiming to read one a day.
Looking forward to it...sort of ...maybe
Monday, 13 July 2015
ucisa SS15 conference - day 2 #ussc15
The first session of day 2 was a business showcase –
Service Desk Institute Carla Thornley and Sharon Mossman from Newcastle University
and was based on the Newcastle University SDC journey.
The challenges - some negative perceptions of the
service, multiple contact methods, ticket quality wasn’t constant and the system
had been customised so was difficult to upgrade. They produced a roadmap - to standardise, to
increase training including SDI analyst training, to produce a customer charter
and to measure activity. They restructured
to become the 'Service Desk' rather than 'Helpdesk' and increased ITIL
The assessment process – despite some delays in
procurement of ITSM system they successfully introduced the NU Service with new
telephony and call recording systems in the Service Desk. This led to very much
improved customer feedback. They found
the SDC process an easy process to follow and although there was lots of work
to collate information, the process provided opportunities to reflect; it
generated sense of pride and raised the profile of the dept. within the university.
Their thoughts from their experience - don't aim for
perfection - do what you want to do to improve the service, don't be afraid to
fail, prepare thoroughly, be proud of the good stuff you do.
The second session of the day was a presentation by Emma Anderson,
a student from the University of Leeds entitled ‘It's not just Facebook and
Twitter. How students use technology in their everyday lives’.
It was an interesting presentation and great to hear
insights into the student experience – there were lots of useful points that
can be picked up from a library perspective too.
Emma explained that:
Emma explained that:
Students typically have at least 3 mobile devices
A laptop is vital but essay writing is better on an
actual computer as if you’re working at desk you’re 'a lot more studious'
Email is needed on the go
Email avoids awkward phone calls
The Leeds Uni app is very useful
Even people with Macs still get Microsoft Word
One Note syncs
A tablet is useful for reading
Facebook admittedly is a lot of procrastination but
useful to reach out to those in a group to work on shared projects or assignments.
Twitter is good for your social profile and to get news
The ‘Brotherton library is gorgeous – you feel clever
just sitting in there’
But need more plug sockets - students fight over plug
sockets (interesting – basic requirement)
The new Laidlaw library has plug sockets as far as the
eye can see, comfy chairs and bright spaces
Group spaces are needed
Also need desks that have a PC plus extra plug socket
plus space for work
Emma praised the IT Service Desk staff as students are tech
savvy but have different needs so it is good to be able to pop in and have chat.
A physical presence is definitely needed so more approachable and more
personable 'Lovely friendly faces’. Also
it is hard to explain computer problems over the phone or email - need to speak
face to face
She gave good, positive feedback about student experience
at Uni of Leeds and had a direct approach to what students want and need.
The next sessions was a panel session:
Heidi Fraser-Krauss (Chair)
Emma Anderson
Rachel Fligelstone
John Fijalkowski
Carla Thornley
The only thing that is constant is change - an old
problem that is still relevant today.
How to cope with change?
Bring people together to talk - do the change together -
share – get everyone involved - personal contact. Make it a team effort - not everyone needs to
be an expert - ask staff what digital means to them, relate to what they want
and need to do. In the corporate world,
change is necessary to survive – it’s slower in the HE sector so need to be a
champion of change - setting goals and vision.
The move from IT to digital - digital capabilities that
are the responsibility of everyone. Is
it obvious where people have to go to for help? If they have a problem the Service Desk needs
to be like a sat nav and know where to get help
Transformational change - don't assume you know what the
customer wants. Share the journey with the
customer. Get people to realise that
change is needed - be dramatic - educating people
The problem is often not with change itself but
supporting change - relate it to organisational change
It’s important to give students notice of changes - be
honest. But the problem with all student emails is that students get bombarded
with email so use app notifications, twitter, announcements on VLE,
You need to make the difference between communications
about 'vital' issues and things of interest.
Still need to tell students about things of interest so use somewhere
else to provide a daily update or feed. How
do students feel about change? They are willing to embrace change - new
computers, new apps - keep student needs central
Who should drive change?
Ask students what they want and tell them what will work –
then got to meet in the middle. Show people what is available, listen to what
people say and then make decisions. Share experience.
Be open to innovation - support people to use technologies
The next sessions were parallel sessions and I went to
one about mapping and optimising the Student Journey using a service design
approach by Ruth Drysdale and Jean Mutton from jisc.
It was about Jisc co design - prospect to alumnus – the student
journey from the student, user, customer point of view.
Is HE a 'Product' or 'Service' industry? A qualification and an experience?
There were a couple of practical activities:
Question - who is involved in student enrolment?
Basically everyone
Tools and techniques
Service blue printing
Emotional journey mapping
Task - Make a personna?
Walk that person through the process
(This activity was good not necessarily as a task in itself
but was a good group round the table discussion and light relief)
So what is Service Design?
Problem solving - People centred
After lunch there was a presentation by Chris Dixon, Rob
Ellis and Tom Skarbek-Wazynsk from Lancaster University.
‘Ping pong, coke and crisps’ – a tale of innovation.
It included an opportunity to tweet a task to Tom to work
on and come up with the beginnings of a solution during the 45 minutes of the
session. #Tasktom
Chris gave some background and context to the Innovation hub
quoting examples from Virgin Atlantic who have lots of success and awards. “Innovation is invention plus exploitation
plus persistence” (virgin definition)
Also the Gartner model - bi modal
Mode 1 - the long haul, vital work
Mode 2 - looks easy more risky
When they set about creating the innovation hub they created
a business case and then recruited.
Aims - engaging students to improve student experience -
ask students if want to be involved. Every idea has a digital twist. Some ideas fail. Embrace the idea that anything is possible. Operate flexibly Agile methodologies.
Cardboard office
Rob talked through some of the ideas and projects that
they have undertaken and how they approached the development of ideas.
Project types:
Nike - just do it.
Tough Mudder. Bonkers
e.g. Minecraft
Build university - gaming society
Crisps and coke
e.g. Gamification
Record of day to day life at university (not academic)
Library use e.g. course hand in
A badge should be achievable by everyone if they want
A badge should be achievable by everyone if they want
e.g. Peer help and market place
Get ideas through idea generation events and
opportunities such as 'Jolt the library' where students pitch ideas.
Summary – the expectation of what's possible versus reality
is very different in the education environment.
There are a number of blockers. Be prepared to get into trouble. Once students have a platform for ideas they
will use it. Be flexible. Need senior management support - have a varied
steering group/ advisory board early on.
Breaking rules!
The next session was a business showcase HEATsoftware and John Ireland, University of Oxford.
5 different service desks which were consolidated into one support function - service desk
consolidation project.
Lessons learned:
It was business change rather than a process change with
Look at the changes from a customer perspective
Look at the changes from a customer perspective
'Cake is the way to hearts and minds and to get
organisational change through...'
The project was successful especially as far as customer experience was concerned.
Self service - good feedback
Clarity 'your call has been resolved'
Faster and more effective escalations
Single phone number
Complaints: zero about new tool set
350 staff in central IT using system so a vast operation and need time to get used to processes
The final sessions of the day were 20 x 20 sessions which were brief sessions from a variety of presenters and institutions. Some of them were very interesting and would have warranted much longer sessions and opportunities for questions. (see my notes below - I don't usually take paper notes but it was the last session of the day #conferencefatigue.
Hopefully the slides will be available from the ucisa website so I would recommend looking there.
Hopefully the slides will be available from the ucisa website so I would recommend looking there.
Tony Brett's presentation was useful and kept to the 20 x 20 format.
Gareth Edward's presentation was fascinating and I didn't take many notes as I was concentrating on the slides.
All in all, a great conference with lots of ideas to take away.
Sunday, 12 July 2015
ucisa SS15 conference - day 1 #ussc15
The first day of the ucisa SS15 conference at the Oxford Belfrey started with a welcome by John Cartwright, ucisa Executive Chair. He welcomed everyone to the conference and encouraged delegates to participate and make the most of the networking opportunities. To 'pinch with pride' - share ideas and take them to implement in your own institution and service. He talked about how, as we all know, change is a constant including organisational change with departments and services converging and de-converging, having to do more with less.
New ideas created at the conference will lead to
new ways of working - an opportunity to combine thought power.
Sally Bogg, Chair of the conference then gave an introduction and welcome to the conference the theme of which is change.
The first presentation of the day was by John
Fijalkowski from Manchester College entitled 'From superhero to mild mannered
process engineer'.
He explained that most IT superheroes start out wanting to change the world but changing processes is the way to success. There is no easy stairway to process maturity heaven. You need to be an explorer and have expertise and experience and execution.
Achieving process maturity is like moving from the Wild West to a High Performance Team and you will find different tribes along the way. You need to define the process, use metrics, have good KPIs and aim for continual improvement. Embrace change as a daily event so therefore use an adaptable model optimising in high performance.
He explained that most IT superheroes start out wanting to change the world but changing processes is the way to success. There is no easy stairway to process maturity heaven. You need to be an explorer and have expertise and experience and execution.
Achieving process maturity is like moving from the Wild West to a High Performance Team and you will find different tribes along the way. You need to define the process, use metrics, have good KPIs and aim for continual improvement. Embrace change as a daily event so therefore use an adaptable model optimising in high performance.
person’s ad hoc superhero is another person’s chaotic cowboy - this is a useful
analogy and a thought to hang on to as I think it is often the case that staff
use the superhero idea to justify doing what they want, not what they should.
You should start the quality process to optimisation. Learn from mistakes
and this involves being tactful and managing staff. There are different sorts
of mistakes some honest, some deliberate and because of this there is a need
for quality assurance - to check up.
How do you mature a process? Use 5S
it out - when in doubt, red tag
Straighten - a place for everything, everything in
its place
Shine - clean, inspect
Standardise - rules, compliance
- daily check - habitualise people
there's a gain, take it. Take 1% from everything you do. Each gain may
seem trivial but the cumulative value great. Think of KPIs as a form of
GPS - you use a KPI to meet a target.
Management. Quality Improvement Plan. Quality Control.
It was an interesting and appealing approach and involves being rigorous about improving processes. It definitely made me think about the work that I need to do and that I should have confidence to aim for a structured and detailed process of improvement.
next presentation was a business showcase - Andrew Dixon from the University of
Bristol, talking about TOPdesk.
forms are an ideal way of asking the right questions. Use dedicated web
forms for routine requests.
next presentation was by Dave Churchley from Newcastle University.
'Real ITSM in the real world'
has he learnt?
Adapt - understand the environment, work with the
culture - make sure you know what's important to your institution - get allies
- communicate.
Improve - get started, then improve - got to be
pragmatic (not just idealistic) to get things done
Focus on areas you can identify that need improving
Don't forget the people - influence behavioural
change - set a good example - explain what you're doing.
Service Management - it's a never ending journey -
break it into chunks so more manageable
last presentation of the day was 'Vorsprung durch Technik' by Heidi
Fraser-Krauss and Thomas Krauss about IT support and services for
researchers. It was an entertaining and informative role play with a
moral about the differences between what academics want and what IT support can
provide. The IT service drivers are service reliability, customer
service, student expectations whereas researchers / academics like to think -
need to have a passion - and have to bring in funding and produce papers.
Academics don't get rewarded for compliance! They want the network
to be available all the time, they want to manage their own people in their
dept to fix things - want to knock on door of an office and talk to someone.
the advice from Heidi on how to deal with researchers:
know your numbers, work with academics, manage expectations. Understand
what they want - one size doesn't fit all. Take on responsibility for
other professional services if appropriate. Recognise that some areas are not
IT responsibility e.g. where to record research data - it's not a
technology problem, it's a policy problem.
don't get rewarded for compliance therefore they don't see the need to do so.
They are used to being critical so will criticise something when it is
not working.
was a useful insight into looking at central IT support form a different angle
- we know it would be better managed centrally but it is unlikely that we will
be able to persuade academics of this so we have to offer and manage support in
a useful and acceptable way.
Monday, 1 June 2015
A Week in the Life of ... 2015
A Week In The Life Of
About Me – Claire Donlan, ALT Trustee
Posted on 24 April 2015. Tags: altc, Claire Donlan, Trustee

I have been an ALT Trustee for nearly four years now including serving as Vice-Chair, Chair and President of ALT. Before that I was a member of the FE Operational Committee for three years. I wrote ‘A Week In The Life Of’ in 2010 when I was Head of Learning Resources at Middlesbrough College and outlined one of my busy weeks focusing on typical FE related activities such as student inductions, VLE courses and assessment, staff recruitment, technologies and devices, voting systems etc.
I now work as Customer Services Manager in the Information Services Directorate at Heriot-Watt University. I manage all frontline services including the Library Service Desk and IT Helpdesk. It is a busy role with a never ending to-do list but is interesting and exciting and a good mixture between operational and strategic issues.
I spend quite a lot of time on staffing related issues – there are 35 members of staff in my team. We have just held interviews for an Information Assistant and successfully appointed. Yesterday I spent time shortlisting for evening/weekend Library Assistants, there were 74 applications for two posts. Other staffing related tasks – Performance and Development Reviews (PDRs) have been completed this week. I have 6 to do which are direct reports and also have input into the objectives for all staff in the Customer Services team.
The focus at the moment as far as students are concerned is study spaces. The main library building has a mix of quiet study spaces, individual and group study tables and rooms, study booths, soft seating / social learning spaces etc. It is always busy – we have a high footfall into the building and are open 24/7. We manage the space by monitoring the usage through occupancy and footfall figures from systems and from roving. We’ve introduced an online booking system for our study rooms this semester to enable students to book online in advance. I spend lots of time collating and analysing data about the usage of the service we deliver including access (footfall/occupancy), usage (loans, returns etc.), self-service facilities, enquiries, printing and printers, IT tickets and issues etc. We use this data to measure impact and inform developments. I spend time at the IT helpdesk as well as the library and we’re working on improving communication between first and second/third line services and triaging issues for departments and services across the university.
Communication and feedback plays a big part in what I do. I officially record any complaints that come to information Services (we don’t get many) and also deal with comments and suggestions. Students can use a variety of channels to let us know about our services – we have a Tell-IS alert service which is text, iMessage and email for feedback. I manage the department’s facebook page and twitter account and the social media development group. I also chair the Service Development Group which looks at operational and strategic developments for the Directorate and there are plans for building and service improvements for next year – everything from new online resources, the VLE, stock relegation, a new lift and study spaces across the university campus.
One important area that I’m leading on is Customer Service Excellence and how we can achieve this external accreditation for our services in the next year or so. I liaise with colleagues at University of Edinburgh, Napier University and Queen Margaret University to share information and experiences regarding CSE. Other external groups that I’m involved in apart from ALT, are Edinburgh Library and Information Services Agency (ELISA) and Customer Services Group UK (CSGUK).
Thursday, 9 April 2015
A Week In The Life Of.... what's changed 2010 - 2015? #altc
In the ALT Online Newsletter there is a feature 'A Week in The Life Of...'
It is an interesting feature as it gives an insight into the daily working lives of the people involved in Learning Technologies and how diverse the roles can be. There has been a recent discussion on the ALT email list about Learning Technologist jobs and how they have changed and developed over the last 5-10 years - the 'Week in the Life of...' articles reflect this. Two of the most recent posts have been by Fiona Harvey and by Sheila MacNeill who are both ALT Trustees and it is very interesting to read about their 'day jobs' and the work that they are involved in.
I wrote 'A Week In The Life Of..' in October 2010 and am now in the process of writing a 2015 version. Much has changed in the 4.5 years - different job, different institution, FE to HE, more management, more strategic? In 2010 I was working as Head of Learning Resources at Middlesbrough College, now I'm Customer Services Manager, Information Services at Heriot Watt University. It's interesting to compare and reflect on the changes that have happened. I'm glad that I still work in an area that concentrates very much on the student experience and how important that is for learning technologies and for education.
It is an interesting feature as it gives an insight into the daily working lives of the people involved in Learning Technologies and how diverse the roles can be. There has been a recent discussion on the ALT email list about Learning Technologist jobs and how they have changed and developed over the last 5-10 years - the 'Week in the Life of...' articles reflect this. Two of the most recent posts have been by Fiona Harvey and by Sheila MacNeill who are both ALT Trustees and it is very interesting to read about their 'day jobs' and the work that they are involved in.
I wrote 'A Week In The Life Of..' in October 2010 and am now in the process of writing a 2015 version. Much has changed in the 4.5 years - different job, different institution, FE to HE, more management, more strategic? In 2010 I was working as Head of Learning Resources at Middlesbrough College, now I'm Customer Services Manager, Information Services at Heriot Watt University. It's interesting to compare and reflect on the changes that have happened. I'm glad that I still work in an area that concentrates very much on the student experience and how important that is for learning technologies and for education.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
SCONUL Winter Conference 2014 #sconul2014
On Friday November 21st I attended the SCONUL Winter Conference 2014 which was held at the Royal College of Physicians, St Andrews Place, London.
It is the first time I have attended the SCONUL conference and it proved to be an interesting and informative day.
The conference was entitled 'The Visible Library: Demonstrating our Value' and the aim, according to the conference programme, was to address the need 'to define and articulate the value of the library to both internal and external stakeholders'. The outputs from the discussions on the day will form a basis for a SCONUL advocacy toolkit.
The introduction and welcome was given by Liz Jolly, Chair of SCONUL and Director, Library & Information Services at Teesside University.
The keynote was given by Graham Henderson, Vice Chancellor of Teesside University
The other points I picked up from this feedback and reflections session (and these are from my notes so not comprehensive)
She explained that they had had f eedback from staff that they wanted better communication so they planned and facilitated a strategic conversation between the library and the University leadership. They prepared by producing a poster presentation to show what their team offered to
university and it had to be data rich. They aimed to show their value, their corporate value as a service and to show how they deliver innovation in practice. They produced infographic style posters with performance data including research support, graduate employability, academic support, learning resources, personal development and recruitment and conversion.
The next presentation was given by Andy Priestner, Information and Library Services Manager, Judge Business School, Cambridge.
He talked about using 'Ethnography for Impact: new ways of exploring user experience in libraries'.
2. Show me round. Students guide us around the space. This showed that some users are failing to access key services. Workspaces - more desks and desk spaces. 2 tribes - upstairs and downstairs with different needs. Kiosk terminals - not popular
3. Cognitive mapping
The q uick wins they have introduced
It is the first time I have attended the SCONUL conference and it proved to be an interesting and informative day.
The conference was entitled 'The Visible Library: Demonstrating our Value' and the aim, according to the conference programme, was to address the need 'to define and articulate the value of the library to both internal and external stakeholders'. The outputs from the discussions on the day will form a basis for a SCONUL advocacy toolkit.
The introduction and welcome was given by Liz Jolly, Chair of SCONUL and Director, Library & Information Services at Teesside University.
The keynote was given by Graham Henderson, Vice Chancellor of Teesside University
It was a very interesting presentation and useful to hear a view about the purpose of academic libraries from a different perspective, from the perspective. He talked about Teesside University and it's role as the 'Opportunity University', the 'can-do' university driving enterprise.
He explained that the library needs to be a hub of the university and a place for all students to get work done. It should be a triage point for all.
He explained that the library needs to be a hub of the university and a place for all students to get work done. It should be a triage point for all.
So, what are the challenges:
1. To respond to the increasingly diverse support needs of a
wide spectrum of users within a finite resource envelope (All users - UG, PG,
graduate employability, non confident)
2. Copyright - equivalence for partner locations
3. Access to research
4. Balancing the cost of resources to support teaching and research without burden on teaching funding
5. Embracing social media as an asset not threat
6. Access to sufficient finance and resources to provide staff, space and resources (fewer books on shelves does not mean less resource but more)
There is a need to get more people to understand the changing role of academic librarians - therefore express in employability , research impact, retention. Update the perceptions about libraries - they are about innovation in L&T and not just content. He used the phrase 'responsive repositioning'.
It is important to nurture the fact that the library is more than just 'another support department' -it has a critical role in academic processes. I think this is an important point to note and a key message that needs to be communicated in a positive way.
The next session was crowd sourcing narratives - this was discussions in groups about the perceptions of Finance Directors, VCs, Academics of Librarians / Libraries.
I was in the Finance Directors group.
The positive perceptions included:
2. Copyright - equivalence for partner locations
3. Access to research
4. Balancing the cost of resources to support teaching and research without burden on teaching funding
5. Embracing social media as an asset not threat
6. Access to sufficient finance and resources to provide staff, space and resources (fewer books on shelves does not mean less resource but more)
There is a need to get more people to understand the changing role of academic librarians - therefore express in employability , research impact, retention. Update the perceptions about libraries - they are about innovation in L&T and not just content. He used the phrase 'responsive repositioning'.
It is important to nurture the fact that the library is more than just 'another support department' -it has a critical role in academic processes. I think this is an important point to note and a key message that needs to be communicated in a positive way.
The next session was crowd sourcing narratives - this was discussions in groups about the perceptions of Finance Directors, VCs, Academics of Librarians / Libraries.
I was in the Finance Directors group.
The positive perceptions included:
Play according to the rules, evidence based, operational efficiency, good project management, corporate players, the library as student space, solution focused and pragmatic, strategic enablers.
The negative perceptions included:
Do well in NSS so don't need to invest, cost too much and rising (content, space, procurement
practices) the view that 'everything is free on internet', different systems used
for library as for finance.
Each of the tables in the group came up with much the same answers which is reassuring in one way but in another it means that there are common problems that haven't been solved (if it is possible to do so?).
It was agreed that the perception is that libraries are good for engaging on open access. Also an agreement that there is a need to put forward a business case in the right way, to align it to institutional strategies (not too parochial and don't be too precious about library). Finance Directors want resilience and financial robustness and a good business case.
This was a recurring theme throughout the day - the need to put forward the case for libraries in a language that can be understood by those you are communicating with, use their language and present the case in the terms that others understand and can align with their priorities.
Each of the tables in the group came up with much the same answers which is reassuring in one way but in another it means that there are common problems that haven't been solved (if it is possible to do so?).
It was agreed that the perception is that libraries are good for engaging on open access. Also an agreement that there is a need to put forward a business case in the right way, to align it to institutional strategies (not too parochial and don't be too precious about library). Finance Directors want resilience and financial robustness and a good business case.
This was a recurring theme throughout the day - the need to put forward the case for libraries in a language that can be understood by those you are communicating with, use their language and present the case in the terms that others understand and can align with their priorities.
After lunch there was a reflections session which brought together the ideas from the crowd sourcing sessions. The SCONUL Chair and Strategy Group Chairs summarised the narratives and explained how these linked with the work that the groups were currently undertaking and future plans.
The positive perceptions were that libraries are an important part of the University's brand and are valued as provide access to resources.
Demonstrating our value - libraries are inspirational spaces from social to silent (I liked this)
Libraries have a good understanding of student behaviour
Libraries have a good understanding of student behaviour
But how do we make something visible when
there is nothing wrong?
Reputational challenges
1.Cost of content 2. Copyright and licensing 3. Open access
SCONUL are having a content forum - ways to advocate the cost of content.
Working with jisc collections etc. will produce a RDM briefing
User experience - concentrating on:
1. Graduate attributes 2. Supporting researchers 3. Supporting learning and teaching 4. Organisational skills and professionalism 5. Library
space - is there a need for them these spaces to be anything other library
Shared services
1. Collaboration v competition between institutions. Need
to give examples of shared services successes
Performance and quality
1. Data used appropriately for hard advocacy 2. SCONUL stats widely recognised - data is useful - how do we use that evidence base to build
reputation 3. Use evidence for advocacy and to create strong business cases 4.
Toolkit to help present business case 5. Link to jisc co-design
The next three sessions were based on case studies.
Margaret Weaver Head of LiSS University of Cumbria
'Leading for Value Added'
This was interesting as it was from a wider perspective i.e. as Student Services and Library and therefore may be easier to present more comprehensive evidence of the student experience. Also the use of infographics to present data and information - sometimes you have to use different formats to present a case and a visual representation is effective. We used infographics when I was at Middlesbrough College to demonstrate data and trends and found it engaging for students and staff.
He talked about using 'Ethnography for Impact: new ways of exploring user experience in libraries'.
They decided to use ethnography in addition to surveys as surveys often have closed or leading questions and are self reporting - does this give an accurate picture of what students are doing in the library?
He explained about three ethnographic techniques that they have tried:
1. Behavioural mapping - map routes through library space, where students went, what they did.
Heat map. Desire lines.
Most traffic going straight through - use ground floor in
order to walk straight up to first floor
Users are quieter the fuller the space
Students use different libraries for different purposes. Most people are regularly on the mover and use variety of
research environments. Library services are complex so need to use ethnography
There is a link here to his presentation on Slideshare
And a link to the #UKAnthrolib blog
The next presentation was by Lorraine Beard, Head of Digital Technologies and Services, University of Manchester. She talked about the Eureka student innovation challenge.
Some of the projects that have come out of the partnership with students are a facility to reserve study spaces and click and collect book reservations.
The things that were found difficult were:
PC desk availability
Finding a book
Sharing reviews
Student well being. Sleep zones (yes, sleep zones in the library...)
Textbook rescue
Living plant project
Book trolleys
Ear plugs
Umbrella stands
There were some really interesting ideas and it was very much student experience focused. It shows how difficult and different it is to see it from a student perspective when you are providing the service...
The final presentation was by Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind
It was interesting to hear about how a charity such as Mind promotes itself and it's cause and raises public awareness. He said that it is important to concentrate and advocate the difference you're making to people you are
working with. In the case of Mind they were promoting it as much more important than just as a subset of NHS
health. Should this be how we think of libraries - more important
than just being a subset of the university? There were some useful points about changing peoples perceptions and using the passions of those involved to create engagement and secure funding.
The main takeaways from the event for me were:
1. You have to use the 'correct' language for the situation and the audience
2. Presenting a business case is vital - it has to be robust and aligned to the institutional strategies
3. Academic libraries do lots of good things, they are valued - it's not that they need to do anything different to the ways they are developing already - just need to engage and inform other people
4. Economy, effectiveness and efficiency are the important factors
5. Use the student experience - map developments and outcomes to it - e.g. "the library does 'x' and this leads to increased recruitment and retention"
6. Collect feedback - map behaviours - use data
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